A Literature Review on Tools that Resolve Fully Qualified Names in Java Code Snippets
Lorena Mendes Peixoto
2021/1 - POC1
Orientador: Mário S. Alvim
Palavras-chave: Fully Qualified Names, Java code snippets, Literature Review
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Online forums are a handy tool for software developers: they can learn how to use libraries and frameworks through code examples. Although these code snippets are a great way to learn, they have a problem that hinders the apprenticeship process: the API elements are rarely fully qualified, and it may be hard for a developer to infer them and make the code examples compilable. Researchers have provided solutions that automatically infer the Fully Qualified Names of a code snippet. The present work aims to analyze and enhance these studies by reproducing their experiments, calculating accuracy metrics, comparing them, and identifying potential issues and inconsistencies.
2021/1 - POC1
Orientador: Mário S. Alvim
Palavras-chave: Fully Qualified Names, Java code snippets, Literature Review
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